ISSMGE Bulletin: Volume 7, Issue 1-2

Chair; Dr. V.V.S. RAO

RaoForensic analysis in geotechnical engineering involves scientific and legalistic investigations and deductions to detect the causes as well as the process of distress in a structure, which are attributed to geotechnical origin. Such a critical analysis will provide answers to “what went wrong, when, where, why, how, and by whom”. It also gives strong inputs to improve future designs and also assists in identifying the qualifications and expertise required for the staff. As forensic analysis is basically a back analysis based on failure observations, the normally adopted standard procedures testing, analysis, design and construction are not adequate for the forensic analysis in majority of cases. The forensic geotechnical engineer (who is different than the expert witness) should be able to justify his conclusions in a court of law. Hence he has to be not only fully knowledge in his field of specialization including his communication skills, but should also be familiar with legal procedures.

ISSMGE launches new website & GeoWorld, a network platform for geoprofessionals The International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and its President Professor Jean-Louis Briaud are pleased to announce the launch of the new ISSMGE website (, developed by (, the International Information Center for Geoprofessionals under the auspices of the Board-level ISSMGE Innovation and Development Committee (IDC) chaired by Professor Dimitrios Zekkos. The new web site has an improved structure and layout and has also improved capabilities to host technical content. In addition, it already makes available at no cost over 8 webinars by leaders of the profession worldwide. ISSMGE, in co-operation with, also launched last year GeoWorld ( GeoWorld is a free online platform that supports professional networking among geoprofessionals. All geoprofessionals can join the more than 2,200 members of GeoWorld at no cost, and with minimum time and effort create a profile and expand their network! For more details, refer to more details in page 10 of this Bulletin.

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