Prof. Der-Wen Chang, International Secretary, CTGS
On March 27 2014, a workshop supported by the Chinese Taipei Geotechnical Society (CTGS) on Pile-raft and Pile Foundations was held at Tamkang University (TKU) Taipei campus in Taiwan. The program was scheduled from 09:00 to 17:00. Seven lectures were delivered by three Taiwanese speakers (Prof. San-Shyan Lin at National Taiwan Ocean University, Prof. Der-Wen Chang at TKU, and Dr.Jiunn-Shyang Chiou at National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering) and four Japanese speakers (Prof. Tatsunori Matsumoto and Prof. Shun-ichi Kobayashi from Kanazawa University, Dr. Kiyoshi Yamashita and Dr. Junji Hamada from Takenaka Corporation, Chiba). The lectures, each delivered by 45 minutes presentation plus 5 min discussions, generally cover up the subjects on design, analysis and testing on pile-raft and pile foundations. Approximately 50 people including the professional engineers and graduate students attended the workshop. President of CTGS, Prof. Yung-Show Fang at NationalChiao Tung University and Chairman of the Department of Civil Engineering at TKU, Prof. Jenmu Wang cordially gave the messages at opening and closing ceremonies. This event is very successful, and it is believed to have good impacts to the collaborations and knowledge sharing on the relevant issues between CTGS people and JGS delegates. The titles of the lectures are summarized as follows. Photos taken at the opening ceremony and during the workshop are attached.
- Post-analysis of a piled raft foundation using pile load test results
- Prof. Tatsunori Matsumoto
- Lateral interaction between cap and pile group
- Prof. San-Shyan Lin
- Field monitoring of piled raft foundations in Japan
- Dr. Kiyoshi Yamashita
- Analysis and assessment for displacement ductility capacity of a fixed head pile
- Dr. Jiunn-Shyang Chiou
- Seismic observation and numerical simulation of piled raft foundations
- Dr. Junji Hamada
- Rigid plastic analysis for pile foundations
- Prof. Shun-ichi Kobayashi
- Seismic performance of piles using probability and reliability methods with EQWEAP analysis
- Prof. Der-Wen Chang

Group photo taken at the opening ceremony, front line from left to right:
Mr. Shimono, Dr. Hamada, Prof. Kobayashi, Dr. Yamashita, Prof. YS Fang (President of CTGS), Prof. Tatsunori Matsumoto, Prof. Jenmu Wang (Chairman of TKUCE), Prof. DW Chang, and Dr. Chang
Appreciations to the lecturers by CTGS President, Prof. Yung-Show Fang,
Left side: Prof. Tatsunori Matsumoto, Right side: Prof. Der-Wen Chang