The Malaysian Geotechnical Society was incorporated in March 2013 and held its Inaugural general meeting on 6 June 2013. The Founding Chairman is Dr. Ting Wen Hui and Deputy is Dr. Chan Sin Fatt. The Secretary General is Ir. Yee Yew Weng. ISSMGE Council meeting held in Paris on 1 September 2013 approved the application of MGS as direct member of ISSMGE. The Society was formally accepted to become a member of ISSMGE in October 2013. MGS is a member of AGSSEA. The society has currently 30 members representing Geotechnical Engineers of various streams and from different parts of the country. The society will work jointly to host local events with the Geotechnical Division of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia; and participate in International Geotechnical events. The Secretary General attended the annual Geotechnical event organised by HATTI Indonesia in Jakarta in November 2013; and also, the GeoSS Conference and AGM in Singapore in December, 2013. Further information on the society and activities can be accessed via website

Ir. Dr.Ting Wen Hui and Ir. Yee Yew Weng at the Inaugural General Meeting on 6 June 2013

MGS Members at the Inaugural General Meeting on 6 June 2013