Short Course-Power Point files etc.

6.1  Shallow & Deep Foundations

6.1.1 Pile Testing and Deep Foundations: Prof. Bengt Fellenius
6.1.2 Piled Foundations: Prof. Harry Poulos
6.1.3 Rock Socketted Piles: Chris Haberfield

6.1.4 Eureka Tower Foundation: Jim Finlayson
6.1.5 High Tensiont Load Transfer Using Bored Piled: Martin Larisch

6.1.6 PDA Testing Overview: Julian Siedel

6.2  Ground Improvement & Environmental Geotechnics
(a) Surcharge and Vertical drains etc.

6.2 (a.1) Design and Construction of a Seawall for Dredged Mud Reclamation..:
……………..Jay Ameratunga

6.2 (a.2) PVDs and Vacuum Preloading Techniques: Chu Jia
6.2 (a.3) Consolidation data analyses – use of PVD and surcharge etc: Prof. Sven Hansbo
6.2 (a.4) Vertical Drainage From Theory to Practice: Sven Hansbo & K. Rainer Massarsch

(b) Reinforced Earth & Waste Management

6.2 (b.1) Geosynthetics & Applications: Prof. Jie Han
6.2 (b.2) Geosynthetics & Coastal Structures: Prof. Hocine Oumeraci
6.2 (b.3) Lining Systems: Waste Containment: Prof. Malek Bouazza

(c) Deep Chemical Mixing

6.2 (c.1) Deep chemical mixing, sand compaction pile etc: M. Kitazume
6.2 (c.2) Process design & Geotechnical design of deep mixing, Historical Evolution of
……………..Deep Mixing Method…: Masaaki Terashi

6.3  Soil Behaviour & Modelling

6.3.1 Saturated Soil Modelling: Prof. David Muirwood
6.3.2 Liquifaction Remediation in Silty soils using Dynamic Compaction and Stone
……….Columns…: S. Thevanayagam, U.S.A.

6.4  Unsaturated Soils: Landslides – Hazards & Environmental Geotechnics:  …….Slope Stability

6.4.1 Unsaturated Soils-Landslides etc: David Toll
6.4.2 Failures of Uncontrolled Fill Embankment & Deep Excavations: Paulus

6.4.3 Landslides & Slope Stability in Landslides & Slope Stability in Residual Soils:
……….J. Sugawara

6.5  Earth Pressures & Excavations

6.5.1 Stability analysis, Stress and Deformation Analysis-Simplified Method….:
………..Chang Yu Ou

6.5.2 Basal Heave,Bending moment…Strut Forces, Toe Stability: Wong Kai Sin
6.5.3 Deep Excavations: Stephen Buttling
6.5.4 Evaluation of Performance of Diaphragm Wall …: Richard Hwang

6.6  Rock Engineering: Tunnelling & MRT Projects

6.6.1 Rock Engineering: Q-System​: Nick Barton
6.6.2 Rock Tunnelling Practice: Giovani Barla
6.6.3 Building Damage Assessment, Settlements and sinkholes…etc.: Nick Shirlaw
6.6.4 Building Damage with Tunnelling etc: Wen Dazhi
Analysis of soft soil-structure interaction in tunnelling: Ardie Purwodihardjo
Soil – Structure interaction in tunnelling: Ardie Purwodihardjo

6.7  SI Works, Engineering Geology & Engineering Geophysics

6.7.1 In-situ Tests & Marchetti’s Dilatometer (DMT): Allan McConell
6.7.2 Laboratory and In-situ Tests: de Groot
6.7.3 Engineering Geology: P.J. Burgess
6.7.4 Engineering Geophysics: Bob Whiteley
6.7.5 New Railway Track Nykirke, Norway: Tom Lunne

6.8  Dams

6.8.1 Dam Safety Case Studies…Seismic Design of Dams: G. Adikari
6.8.2 Embankment Stability & Staging…Technical Specifications & Construction:
………..P.J. Burgess

6.8.3 Australia Dam Engineering: Pedro Pinto
6.8.4 Performance of Asphalt Concrete-faced Rockfill Embankment…:
………..Dr. Noppadol Phienwej

6.8.5 Geophysics Applications to Dams: Bob Whiteley

6.9  FLAC Software Usage

6.9.1 Three – Dimensional Modelling of an Excavation Adjacent to a Major Structure…:
………..Mike Coulthard

6.9.2 Deep Excavation Analysis: Plaxis: Willy Lie
6.9.3 Plaxis Presentation Tutorial: Willy Lie

6.9.4 Suwarnabhumi Airport GI Analysis: Lin Der Guy
6.9.5 Deep Mixing Analysis: Lin Der Guy

6.10  Pavements

6.10.1 Effects of Soil Suction on Resilient Modulus and Pavement Design: Don Cameron
6.10.2 Pavement Rehabilitation,Insitu Stabilisation…: Rama QDMR

6.10.3 AASHTO and AUSTROADS Pavement Design, Airport Pavement Design…:
………….Kunawee Kanitpong

6.10.4 Pavement Engineering and Maintenance Management…: T.F. Fwa
6.10.5 TRB 2006 – Hurricane Case Studies…Workshop Lectures on Pavements…:
………….Waheed Uddin

6.11 Risk Analyses

6.11.1 Probabilistic Methods in Geotechnical Engineering: Risk and Reliability,
Farrohk Nadim

6.11.2 Risk Assessment for Dams: Malcolm Barker: Malcolm Barker
6.11.3 Risk Management in Open Pit Slope Design: John Read

6.12 Bridge Management System

6.12.1  Introduction and BMS: Kentaro Yamada