Stability Analysis of Embankment using Finite Element Method Constructed over Treated Soil with Anionic Polyacrylamide

Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA ISSN 0046-5828

Vol. 55 No. 3 September 2024

Stability Analysis of Embankment using Finite Element Method Constructed over Treated Soil with Anionic Polyacrylamide

Lindung Zalbuin Mase, Dewi Amalia, and Anna Dewi

ABSTRACT: Landfill materials composed of weak soil are closely related to stability problems. To minimise this problem, various stabilisation techniques are often used, one of which is the addition of polyacrylamide anionic polymer (APAM). In this paper, soil behaviour before and after adding APAM in the West Bandung area, Indonesia, has been analysed. It has been done with different variables by considering the landfill’s geometry and the soil material’s properties. Several models were analysed to determine the slope height and angle that are safe for soil stabilisation. The modelling was done using the finite element method based on the soil hardening criteria model and Mohr-Coulomb. The analysis results show that with the increase in height and slope, the safety factor (FS) decreases, and the deformation increases. Conversely, if the height and slope decrease, the FS increases, and the deformation decreases. It is observed that the soil with the highest percentage of APAM (1%) has produced the highest shear strength parameters and the lowest deformation. This study found that weak soil treated with APAM can be used as a backfill material, but the potential for collapse is more significant.

KEYWORDS: Anionic Polyacrylamide, Embankment, Finite Element Method, and Deformation.

DOI: 10.14456/seagj.2024.16