Optimizing Soil Characterization with Automated Pressuremeter Software Integration for the Pencel Pressuremeter in In-situ Testing

Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA ISSN 0046-5828

Vol. 55 No. 2 June 2024

Optimizing Soil Characterization with Automated Pressuremeter Software Integration for the Pencel Pressuremeter in In-situ Testing

F. Messaoud, M. S. Nouaouria, and P. J. Cosentino

ABSTRACT: The integration of the Pencel Pressuremeter (PPMT) model with the Automated Pressuremeter (APMT) software represents a significant advancement in in-situ soil testing. This combination simplifies the process of data reduction and analysis, resulting in substantial time savings. The APMT software efficiently records digital pressure and volume data, performs necessary calibrations, and offers quick access to essential strength and stiffness properties for engineering analysis. Through extensive testing conducted on various soil types, the integration of a linear potentiometer and a digital pressure transducer into the control unit has significantly improved the accuracy of digital volume measurements and pressure readings. Notably, the Stabilization Time (ST) for volume increments, as estimated by the APMT software, ranges from 20 to 70 seconds depending on the specific soil conditions. The APMT system not only enhances data quality but also minimizes the potential for human recording errors. It drastically reduces the time required for data collection and analysis when compared to manual methods, establishing itself as an efficient and precise tool for evaluating soil properties.

KEYWORDS: Pencel Pressuremeter, Soil Characterization, Data Accuracy, Stabilization Time, and Sensors Integration.

DOI: 10.14456/seagj.2024.11