Young Geotechnical Engineering Network

from ISSMGE Bulletin: Volume 2 Issue 3 (p.2)

View of Young Geotechnical Engineers

By Osamu Kusakabe and Pongsakorn Punrattanasin

Young Geotechnical Engineering Network

The young geotechnical engineering network was set up with a total number of 80 members during the ISSMGE Osaka Conference in 2005 but the group was not active in communication due to some technical reasons. The board of ISSMGE Bulletin really hopes that contributions from young members can provide good ideas to improve the ISSMGE and geotechnical society in the future. The board also hopes that young members can express, report their views and opinions as well as can report activities in the space of ISSMGE Bulletin and ISSMGE website.

What ISSMGE board members discussed at the ISSMGE Board Meeting at Saint Petersburg, Russia this June about the continuation of Bulletin and the role of young members are as follows: The board needs active and voluntary young geotechnical engineers to work closely with the Vice President in their region;

(1) to gather the regional information such as events, books, disaster, geotechnical achievements and to send it to the editorial board once in three months.
(2) to serve as a contact person for collecting contributions such as case history and Reminiscences, and
(3) to prepare the contributions from young generations in the region once in a year.

The first four members who are voluntary to run the new young geotechnical network are as follows:

1) Professor Deepankar Chudhury (India),
2) Dr.Imen Said (Turnisia),
3) Makoto Namba (Brazil) and
4) Dr.Pongsakorn Punrattanasin (Thailand).

The board also would like to extend an invitation to the interested young members from various countries to join the young geotech network. Interested members please kindly contact us via email to Professor Osamu Kusakabe ( or to Dr.Pongsakorn Punrattanasin (

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