Prof. Poul Lade
Prof. Poul Lade: Professor Ostenfeld’s Gold Medalist for original contributions to engineering science research on behavior and constitutive modeling of soils from the Technical University of Denmark in 2001, and he was elected member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences in 2001.
Prof. Poul V. Lade joined The Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington, D.C. in 2003. He was educated at the Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen and received his Ph.D. degree at University of California at Berkeley in 1972. Before coming to CUA, he was on the faculty at UCLA for 21 years (1972-1993) before moving to The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (1993-1999) and to Aalborg University in Denmark (1999-2003). He was a member of Geotechnical Engineering Technical Group in Los Angeles from 1974 and he served as chairman in 1978-79.
Professor Lade’s research interests in Geomechanics include experimental methods, three-dimensional stress-strain and strength behavior of soils during monotonic loading and large three-dimensional stress reversals, stability, instability and liquefaction of granular materials, time effects in soils, constitutive modeling of frictional materials such as soil, rock, and concrete employing elasticity and work-hardening, isotropic and kinematic plasticity theories, and deformation and stability analyses of foundation engineering problems. He has given numerous conference presentations and short courses on stress-strain behavior and constitutive modeling of soils in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia/New Zealand. He has nearly 300 publications based on research performed with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). His Science Citation Index is approximately 3000 and his H-index is currently 29.
Professor Lade is a member of several geotechnical engineering societies and he currently serves as Editor for the Americas of Geomechanics and Engineering (Techno Press, Korea), and he serves on the Editorial Boards of six other journals dealing with Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. He was awarded “Professor Ostenfeld’s Gold Medal for original contributions to engineering science research on behavior and constitutive modeling of soils” from the Technical University of Denmark in 2001, and he was elected member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences in 2001.