ISSMGE Bulletin: Volume 6, Issue 6



The Sociedad Argentina de Ingeniería Geotécnica (SAIG) has delivered the XXI CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE MECÁNICA DE SUELOS E INGENIERÍA GEOTÉCNICA (CAMSIG), in Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, from the 12th to the 14th of September 2012, gathering once again the geotechnical community, professionals, researchers, agencies, related companies, and students committed to the geotechnics study and development.

The addressed topics which were considered essential for civil-engineering professional development were promoting the debate, experience exchange, and technical update, including the introduction of news regarding the design and construction. The developed modalities were sessions for technical paper expositions, national and international expert’s conferences, and products, services and devices presentations.

The conference themes included Physical and Mechanical Properties of Soil and Rocks, Laboratory and in Situ Geotechnical Testing, Application of Geology to Engineering, Digging, Retaining Structures and Slope Stability, Foundations, Buried Structures, Tunnels and Underground Systems, Dams Engineering, Transportation, Geotechnics, Ground Improvement/Remediation, Geoenviromental Engineering, and Teaching and Learning.

Together with the XXI CAMSIG organization, apart from the Congress itself, two additional events were performed: the First Workshop for Geotechnics area for Teachers of Argentinean Universities, where a final document was written containing the conclusions regarded to the issue “Minimum contents and workload.” The other event was the ISSMGE Board meeting, 2012.

The opening ceremony was attended by the ISSMGE President, Prof. Jean Louis Briaud, and most of the ISSMGE Board members as well as University authorities from both Universidad Nacional de Rosario and Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. The authorities from the Colegio de Ingenieros de la Provincia de Santa Fe were present, too.

Although this is a national event, the professional colleagues, teachers, researchers, students and related companies made participation that exceeded our estimations, achieving 250 attendants from all over the country and from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and United States. The relative composition was about 25% teachers and researchers, 40% professionals, 30% students, and 5% other categories.

The institutions related to geotechnics that offered their auspice were Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura (FCEIA); Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR); Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN); Colegio de Profesionales de la Ingeniería Civil de la Provincia de Santa Fe (CPIC); Centro Argentino de Ingenieros (CAI); Cámara Argentina de Empresas de Fundaciones de Ingeniería Civil (CAEFI); International Geosynthetics Society (IGS); and Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI-CIRSOC).

The companies that sponsored the Congress obtained a large national and international prestige. These were Coripa, Fine, SRK Consulting, Maccaferri, Tecmaco, and Prof. Marchetti Studio.

As a result, the Congress memoirs were published, edited by SAIG.

The organizers’, attendants’ and sponsors’ expectations were in general enjoyed high satisfaction.

Download ISSMGE Bulletin – Volume 6 Issue 6 (pp. 18-21)
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