ISSMGE Bulletin: Volume 6, Issue 2

XVIIIth Károly Széchy Memorial Session and
XXIst Geotechnical Evening Forum
on 17th of February, 2012


The Hungarian National Committee of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) jointly with the Engineering Section of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Geotechnical Section of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers celebrated the XVIIIth Károly Széchy Memorial Session on the 17th February, 2012, at the Great Lecture Hall of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest with over 230 persons attending the event.


Photo of Károly Széchy

vol.6-2-p.37-39-2Participants of the Memorial Lecture

Participants of the Memorial Lecture

This series of festive gatherings has been highlighted from the beginning by lectures delivered by the most illustrious professors paying tribute to the memory of the Hungarian professor, Károly Széchy. This year, the guest speaker from abroad was Prof. Dr. Ing. Dr. Ing. E.H. Walter Wittke (WBI Achen). The presentation’s title was “Tunnel Design Verified by Case Histories”.


Prof. Dr. Walter Wittke


Dr. Árpád Deli

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