75th Anniversary of Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures – NIIOSP (Moscow, Russia)
On 22 November 2006 in Moscow there was a celebration of the 75th anniversary of Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures – NIIOSP named after N. M. Gersevanov. The celebration took place in the big Hall of the Moscow Scientist’ House. NIIOSP is a leading geotechnical research institute in Russia. It was founded in Moscow in 1931 as the All-Union Research Institute of complex subsoils and foundations (VIOS). The first director of the institute was Professor N. M. Gersevanov. From the very beginning prominent Soviet scientists worked in the institute: Yu. Abelev (foundation engineering in collapsible soils), V. Gorbunov-Possadov (calculations of beams and slabs on elastic subsoils), K. Egorov (Prediction of settlements of buildings), B. Rzhanitsyn (Chemical improvement of soils), D. Barkan (Protection of foundations against dynamic impact), and many other distinguished specialists. In 1958 NIIOSP was appointed as a leading institute responsible for the coordination of scientific work in the areas of soil mechanics, subsoil research and foundation engineering of structures, methods of their calculation and design; works implementation; and underground structures. NIIOSP has made a big contribution to construction of such important buildings and structures in the Soviet Union and Russia as high-rise buildings and Ostankiskaya TV tower in Moscow, Norilsk Smelter Plant, industrial complex “Electrosila” in Leningrad, chemical plant in Kemerovo, automobile assembly facilities in Togliatti and Naberezhnye Chelny (the VAZ and the KamAZ),
important structures of the gas and oilfields in Tyumen region, Tobolsk, and Urengoi. Currently the institute acts as a scientific advisor to the construction “Moscow City: business complex, third ring road around Moscow, and other big projects in Russian and abroad.
For more than 25 years the institute was headed by well known scientist Prof. V.A. Ilichev. Now the director of the institute is Prof. V.N. Petrukhin. The festive meeting in the Scientist’ House was attended by more than 400 guests. Many well known geotechnical engineers were awarded with the jubilee medal “75 anniversary of NIIOSP named after N. M. Gersevanov”. Among the guests were the representatives of leading Russian engineering companies: corporation “Soyuzgidrospetsstroy”, SPII “Gidrospetsproject”, NPO “Kosmos” (Moscow), OAO “Mosproject”, Design institute “Bashniistroy” (Ufa), NPO “Georeconstruction-Fundamentproject” (Saint Petersburg).
ISSMGE President Professor Pedro Seco e Pinto and ISSMGE Vice-president Professor Roger Frank sent congratulatory messages to the celebration of 75th anniversary of NIIOSP. In his message Prof. Pedro Seco e Pinto noted: “This Institute integrating 12 very well organized laboratories, namely on pile foundations, soil dynamics, underground structures, etc. has played a very important role for the development of research, education, design, construction techniques, quality control, monitoring and safety evaluation of geotechnical structures in the Soviet Union and in Russia”. Prof. Roger Frank in his address pointed out: “I consider that, in my field of specialty, NIIOSP is one of the most advanced and experienced institutes in the world. I have learnt a lot from my cooperation with its experts. I consider our cooperation as truly exemplary and one of the great satisfactions in my professional career. At the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of NIIOSP, it is not only a great honor for me to congratulate NIIOSP for its excellency and for all its achievements, but also a very deep pleasure”.
Reported by Prof. V. Ulitsky, Chair TC38 “Soil –Structure Interaction” ISSMGE and Dr. M. Lisyuk, ISSMGE Board member.
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