The 17th Annual Scientific Meeting of HATTI

The 17th Annual Scientific meeting of Hatti took place from 13-14 November 2013 in Jakarta under the title:


The details of the Organizing Committee and others are given below;


Steering Committee : Prof. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam, MSE, Ph.D
Ir. Pintor Tua Simatupang, MT. Dr-Eng
Ir. Idrus, MSc
Chairman : Dr. Ir. Wiwik Rahayu

Secretaries : Ir. Fauzie Buldan, Y
Ir. Andi K.S. Kartawiria, MT

Treasurer : Ir. Budiantari HL. MSc

Editors : Dr. Ir. Hasbullah Nawir, MT
Ir. Bigman M. Hutapea, MSc. Ph.D
Ir. YP. Chandra, M. Eng
Ir. Widjojo A. Prakoso, MSCE, Ph.D
Ir. Hendra Jitno, MASc. Ph.D
Agus Setyo Muntohar, Ph.D (Eng). PE Section Events : Ir. Wawan Kuswaya, MT
Aksan Kawanda, ST
Ali Iskandar, ST. MT.
Donny B. Tampubolon, ST
Secretariat : Josephine Aristiti Setyarini, ST. MT
Yunan Halim, ST. MT

Geotechnical Ground Improvement:

Ground Improvement:
In-situ improvement of soft cohesive soils is one of the main challenges facing geotechnical engineers and contractors alike. In countries such as China, India, and other emerging countries in Asia where the population is large and infrastructure development is proceeding at a heightened pace, the need for a fast, economical in-situ improvement for soft cohesive soils in a large-scale is clearly evident. The traditional methods of soft cohesive soil treatment include the use of the following techniques: (a) prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) and fill preloading, (b) vacuum consolidation together with PVDs, (c) stone columns, (d) thermal treatment, (e) chemical mixing, (f) electro-osmosis, and (f) deep dynamic compaction. Despite the availability of various methods of in-situ improvements listed above, the method of incorporating PVDs with fill preloading appears to be the most widely used technique throughout the world, even though the vacuum consolidation method has gained some interest recently. In large-scale applications — such as land reclamation using dredged materials, port facility construction, economic zone development along coastal areas, petrochemical plants near shorelines, steel mills, power plants, airport runways, and highways — the areas to be treated could be excessively large and the availability of usable earth for fill preloading could be scare. Therefore, there is a great interest in developing a more effective way of treating soft cohesive soils in a large area where preloading fill cannot be economically obtained.

The application of vacuum to facilitate consolidation in saturated fine-grained soils has been used either alone by means of PVDs or in combination with the static surcharge load using fill materials (Kjellman 1952 and Holtz 1975). The effectiveness of vacuum consolidation with or without surcharge loading is highly dependent upon soil permeability and the efficiency of the vacuum system. The desired degree of soil improvement and the allowable time duration for completion can also play an important role in determining if vacuum consolidation can be a viable soil improvement method for the project. The use of deep dynamic compaction technique in saturated fine-grained soils has not been widely accepted, even though

The salient features of the Meeting is briefly summarised below

Keynote Lecture – 1 :
Innovative Soft Soil Improvement Method through Intelligent Use of
Vacuum De-Watering and Dynamic Compaction Techniques
Prof. Robert Y. Liang, Prof. Tuncer B. Edil

ABSTRACT: Recently, an innovative soft soil improvement method was advanced in China by integrating and modifying vacuum consolidation and dynamic compaction ground improvement techniques in an intelligent and controlled manner. This innovative soft soil improvement method is referred to as “High Vacuum Densification Method (HVDM)” to reflect its combined use of vacuum de-watering and dynamic compaction techniques. Over the past ten years, this innovative soft soil improvement technique has been successfully used in China and Asia for numerous large-scale soft soil improvement projects, from which enormous time and cost savings have been achieved. In this presentation, the working principles of the HVDM will be described, followed by a summary of two case studies. A discussion of the range of finegrained, cohesive soil properties that would make them ideal for applying HVDM as an efficient ground improvement method will be discussed. The economic benefits and environmental benefits of HVDM are elucidated. At the end of the paper, results of numerical simulation using FLAC3D computer program, in which dynamic compaction is modeled as a three-dimensional, coupled hydro-mechanical model, are presented to support the working mechanisms of HVDM.

Keynote Lectures – 2 :
Methods of soft ground treatment and rigid bored pile foundation for
offshore structure.
Thomas Domanski , Regional Manager, BAUER Southeast Asia Pacific

ABSTRACT: Indonesia is on a solid path of economic growth and development. The development of the country is on the way in all areas whether infrastructure, urban, industry, tourism and resources. Massive construction projects are required to facilitate such development. Indonesia’s construction industry is faced with very special challenges due to its geographic and geological character. In a country which has 13,677 islands and where 7.9 km2 out of a total territorial area of 9.8 mio km2 is covered by water the significance of offshore construction is evident. Making things not easier, Indonesia is a place, due to its location, where natural disasters, especially earthquakes, are more common than in other countries. This requires the stabilization of soft ground to provide safety against liquefaction. Heavy structures need to be founded on solid foundation whether on- or offshore. The following presentation explains a technique of soft ground treatment and a technique for the construction of large diameter Bored Piles by referring to methods being used for 2 major projects which are part of the development of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Corridor. The projects need to be built both offshore in the open waters of the Pearl River Estuary between Hong Kong and Zhuhai (Mainland China).

Papers presented in the Technical Sessions are:

Session 1 : Seven papers were presented
Session 2: Five papers were presented
Session 3: Five Papers are presented

Other Technical Session: Seventeen papers are presented

Methods of Soft Ground Treatment and Rigid Bored Pile Foundation for Offshore Structures
Thomas Domanski, Regional Manager, BAUER Southeast Asia Pacific.. read more