Prof. Simonetta Colar

Simonetta Cola

Simonetta Cola
ProfessorDepartment of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Padova, Italy

Lecture Topic:
Monitoring of the Tessina landslide in the Italian Alps to improve prediction criteria      

Prof. Dr. Simonetta Cola is a Professor of geotechnical engineering at University of Padova (UniPD), Italy. She is currently the Director of Geotechnical Laboratory as well as the Laboratory of Physical Modelling for Geotechnics at the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering of UniPD.

Prof. Cola holds a master degree with honors in civil engineering and a PhD in geotechnical Engineering (1994). Before joining the current academic position, she has an experience of working as a consulting engineer at ISMES in Bergamo, Italy (1990), and she served Imperial College of London as a visiting professor back in 1995. She currently teaches Geotechnics, Soil and Rock Mechanics, Soil Improvement and Earth Construction. 

Prof. Cola is extensively involved in international collaboration at UniPD, such as with the Sheffield University, Imperial College of London (UK), University of California (Berkeley), and Università Politecnica of Madrid (Spain). She is a reviewer for various renowned international journals, such as Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE), Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Journal, etc. She also is a member in the ISSMGE Technical Committees No. 201 (Geotechnical Aspects of Dykes and Levees, Shore Protection and Land Reclamation). Her main fields of research interest include experimental analysis and constitutive modelling of natural heterogeneous soils, geotechnical properties of organic soils, discrete models applied to geotechnical problems, stability analysis of natural slopes and their stabilization, deep-mixing, soil nailing, and mudflows.