ISRM Rocha Medal Workshops
and Short Courses Technical Tours Students’ Night
Dr.Kiyoshi Kishida
Secretary General
Sun 12 Oct |
Mon 13 Oct |
Tue 14 Oct |
Wed 15 Oct |
Thu 16 Oct |
Fri 17 Oct |
8:30-17:00 Registration9:00-17:00 Workshop (DDA)9:00-19:00 ISRM Board Meeting |
8:30-19:00 Registration9:00-12:30 Commission Meetings9:00-17:00 Workshops Short Course11:00-12:30 ISRM Asian Council Meeting14:00-19:00 ISRM Council Meeting18:30-20:30 Welcome Reception |
8:00-18:00 Registration8:30-9:15 A Opening Ceremony9:15-10:10 A ISRM Rocha Medal Award Ceremony & Lecture – Dr.Perera10:10-10:30 Coffee Break10:30-11:50 A Keynote Lecture A -Prof.Feng -Prof. Matsuoka11:00-18:00 C Poster Session11:50-13:00 L Lunch13:00-15:00 Oral Sessions A B D E F 15:00-16:00 C 16:00-18:00 18:00-19:00 18:10- |
8:00-18:00 Registration8:30-10:00 Oral Sessions A B D E F 8:30-13:30 C Poster Session10:00-10:15 Coffee Break10:15-10:55 A ISRM Franklin Lecture -Prof. Osada10:55-12:15 A Keynote Lecture B -Prof.Elsworth -Prof. Parkash12:15-13:30 L Lunch13:30-15:30 Oral Sessions A B D E F 15:30-16:00 16:00-17:30 18:30-21:30 L |
8:00-15:30 Registration8:30-10:00 Oral Sessions A B C D E 10:00-10:15 Coffee Break10:15-12:15 A Keynote Lecture C -Mr.Christiansson -Prof. Jeon -Prof.Villaescusa12:15-13:30 L Lunch13:30-15:00 Oral Sessions A B C D E 15:00-15:30 Coffee Break15:30-17:00 Oral Sessions A B C D 17:10-18:10 A |
7:00- Technical Tours (-18 Oct) |
9:00-19:00 Exhibition |
9:00-17:00 Exhibition |
9:00-15:30 Exhibition |
L Lounge (Royton Hall AB) on Level 3
A Room A (Royton Hall CD) on Level 3
B Room B (Empress Hall) on Level 2
C Room C (Regent Hall) on Level 2
D Room D (Highness Hall) on Level 2
E Room E (Crystal Room A) on Level 2
F Room F (Crystal Room B) on Level 2
DDA Workshop in ARMS8
Sunday, 12 Oct, 09:00-17:00, Emerald A (Level 3)
The 10th International Workshop on the Application of Geophysics to Rock Engineering
Monday, 13 Oct, 09:00-17:00, Emerald A(Level 3)
Methodologies and Cases for Researching and Evaluating the Deterioration in Rock and Earthen Relics
Monday, 13 Oct, 09:00-17:00, Emerald B (Level 3)
Short Course on Rock Engineering Risk
Monday, 13 Oct, 09:00-17:00, Room D (Level 2, Highness Hall)
ISRM Suggested Methods on Rock Dynamic Tests
Monday, 13 Oct, 09:00-12:00, Emerald D (Level 3)
Underground Nuclear Power Plant
Monday, 13 Oct, 13:00-17:00, Emerald C (Level 3)
Rock Engineering and Environment
Monday, 13 Oct, 13:00-17:00, Emerald D (Level 3)
Monday, 13 Oct, 13:00-17:00, Room B (Empress Hall, Level 2)
ISRM Board Meeting
Sunday, 12 Oct, 09:00-19:00, Pearl AB (Level 20)
ISRM Asian Council Meeting
Monday, 13 Oct, 11:00-12:30, Yayoi (Level 4)
ISRM Council Meeting
Monday, 13 Oct, 14:00-19:00, Room A (Royton Hall D, Level 3)
ISRM Commission Meetings
Monday, 13 Oct, 09:00-12:30
- Commission on Application of Geophysics to Rock Engineering Emerald C (Level 3)
- Commission on Preservation of Ancient Sites Emerald B (Level 3)
- Commission on Crustal Stress and Earthquake Crystal D (Level 2)
- Commission on Discontinuous Deformation Analysis – DDA Garnet A (Level 20)
- Commission on Rock Dynamics Pearl B (Level 20)
- Commission on Soft Rocks Pearl C (Level 20)
- Commission on Testing Methods Room E (Crystal A, Level 2)
- Commission on Underground Nuclear Power Plant Room F (Crystal B, Level 2)
- Commission on Underground Research Laboratory (URL) Networking Asuka (Level 4)
- Commission on Grouting Pearl A (Level 20)
Tuesday, 14 Oct, 08:30-09:15, Room A (Royton Hall CD, Level 3)
Chair: Prof. Kiyoshi Kishida
- Opening address
by Prof. Norikazu Shimizu, Chairman of the Organizing Committee - Opening address
by Prof. Yuzo Obara, President of Japanese Committee for Rock Mechanics (JCRM) - Opening address
by Prof. Xia-Ting Feng, President of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) - ISRM Report
by Dr. Luis Lamas, Secretary General of ISRM - Presentation for the official launch of the Orange Book
by Prof. Resat Ulusay, Chairman of the Commission on Testing Methods
Closing Ceremony
Thursday, 16 Oct, 17:10-18:10, Room A (Royton Hall CD, Level 3)
Chair: Prof. Kiyoshi Kishida
- Summary of ARMS8
by Prof. Katsuhiko Kaneko, Chairman of the Scientific Committee - Presentation of the ARMS8 Outstanding Paper Award and Poster Award
by Dr. Yingxin Zhou, Vice President for Asia, and Prof. Yoshiaki Fujii, Chairman of the Review Committee for ARMS8 Awards - Closing speech
by Prof. Norikazu Shimizu, Chairman of the Organizing Committee - Presentation by the organizers of the ARMS9 (Bali, 18-20 Oct, 2016)
- Presentation by the organizers of the EUROCK2016 (Cappadocia, 29-31, Oct,2016)
- Presentation by the organizers of the 13th Congress of the ISRM (Montreal,10-13, May, 2015)
- Closing address
by Dr. Yingxin Zhou, ISRM Vice President for Asia
Welcome Reception
Monday, 13 Oct, 18:30-20:30, Cafe “Trianon” on Level 1 of Royton Sapporo
Students’ Night
Tuesday, 14 Oct. Meet at the Main Entrance on Level 1 of Royton Sapporo at 18:10.
Exhibition Kickoff Party
Tuesday, 14 Oct, 18:00-19:00, Foyers (Levels 2 and 3) and Room C (Level 2, Regent Hall) of Royton Sapporo
Accompanying Persons Program
Wednesday, 15 Oct, 8:30-17:00. Meet at the Main Entrance on Level 1 of Royton Sapporo at 8:00.
Wednesday, 15 Oct, 18:30-21:00, Lounge (Royton Hall AB) on Level 3 of Royton Sapporo. Welcome cocktails will be served from 18:00. Pre-registration by 30 Sept is required.
14-16 Oct, Lounge (Royton Hall AB) on Level 3 in Royton Sapporo. Please show the lunch ticket to staffs at the entrance.
Refreshments (coffee, tea, etc.) will be served in the Exhibition areas and the Poster Session room (Level2, Room C).
- East Nippon Expressway Company Limited Hokkaido Regional Head Office
- Hokkaido District Transport Bureau
- Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc.
- Hokkaido Government
- Hokkaido Research Organization
- Japan Atomic Energy Agency Horonobe Underground Research Center
- Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau
- City of Sapporo
- Hokkaido Government
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 260305)
- The Kajima Foundation
- Japan National Tourism Organization
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