Prof. Prinya Nutalaya an Exceptional Engineering Geologist

I was very fortunate to have worked with Prof. Prinya an exceptional Engineering Geologist at AIT from 1975 till 2001.  He educated scores and scores of Geotechnical and Engineering Geology students.

Prof. PrinyaProf. Prinya 2

With Prof. Francis Toru Onodera
With Prof. Francis Toru Onodera

Prinya made an everlasting contribution
Prinya made an everlasting contribution on the Bangkok subsidence which is used in almost all the projects. He did detail studies which extended to a few hundred metres below ground and was able to prepare Land subsidence. During his time, the Civil and Envi Groups at AIT was very strong.

Prof. Prinya became the Dean

The above photograph was taken in late 1978. Later Prof. Prinya became the Dean of the School of Civil Engineering succeeding Prof. Pisidhi Karasudhi.

Prof. Peter Brenner with Prof. Helmut Eggers
Prof. Peter Brenner with Prof. Helmut Eggers

Prof. Toshinobu Akagi
Prof. Toshinobu Akagi

Khun Ruangvit Chottivitathanin
Khun Ruangvit Chottivitathanin

Khun Sataporn
Khun Sataporn

Prof. Hideki Ohta
Prof. Hedeki Ohta

Dr. Jerasak Premchitt
Dr. Jerasak Premchitt

Prof. Yudhbir
Prof. Yudhbir

Prof. Towhata
Prof. Towhata

Prof. Dennes Bergado
Prof. Dennes Bergado

Prof. Jiro Kuwano
Dr. Jiro Kuwano

Prof. Shibuya
Prof. Shibuya

Prof. Yusuke Honjo
Prof. Yusuke Honjo

Dr. Hong
Dr. Hong

Dr. Prinzl & Faculty and Students
Dr. Prinzl & Faculty and Students

With Rantucci & Sarvesh Chandra
With Rantucci & Sarvesh Chandra

Khun Vatinee & Mrs. Uraiwan
Khun Vatinee & Mrs Uraiwan

W ith Dr. Noppodol & Sarvesh Chandra
With Dr.Noppodol & Sarvesh Chandra

with Surachat
With Surachat

Moh et al
Moh et al