Ground Property Characterization by In-Situ Tests Prof. Paul Mayne, Chairman of TC102
Preface: ISSMGE Technical Committee TC 102 (formerly TC 16) involves the areas of geotechnical and geophysical exploration. Site characterization is a first fundamental step towards the proper design, construction, and long term performance of all types of geotechnical projects, ranging from foundations, excavations, earth dams, embankments, seismic hazards, environmental issues, tunnels, and near to offshore structures. As such, the TC 102 committee is active in the dissemination of technical documents, papers, and international & national standards on various in-situ tests including SPT, CPT, CPTu, DMT, PMT, VST, CHT, DHT, and other methods. The committee has helped organize and plan a series of international conferences on the topic of site characterization (ISC) that have been held in Atlanta (ISC-1, 1998), Porto (ISC-2, 2004), Taipei (ISC-3, 2008), and most recently Brazil (ISC-4, September 2012). The TC 102 committee has also participated in conferences held by other technical committees including TC 101 series on Deformational Characteristics of Geomaterials, ICSMGE, ASCE GeoCongresses, ECSMGE, and the Baltic Sea Conferences. Details on the recently held ISC-4 (2012) are given below and additional information about our technical activities are posted at our website:

Photo: Core Committee meeting of TC 102 held in Singapore (2006)
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