ISSMGE Bulletin: Volume 7, Issue 6 December 2013



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roger Frank

Dear Members of ISSMGE,
Dear Colleagues,

It is a great honour and privilege for me to have been elected by the Member Societies of ISSMGE as your President for the 4-year term from 2013 to 2017. The election took place during the Council meeting, just before the opening of the 18th International Conference on Soils Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (18 ICSMGE) in Paris, 2-6 September 2013.

Before updating you with the various matters which might be of interest to you, I would like to acknowledge the great work and achievements of my two predecessors, President Pedro Sêco e Pinto and President Jean-Louis Briaud. I was a member of the Board during their two mandates and it was a real pleasure to work under their leadership, with the efficient assistance of our Secretary General Neil Taylor. My deep gratitude also goes to many officers of ISSMGE and to all of you who made ISSMGE what it is. Now, I am “in charge”… I feel that it is truly a great challenge for which I shall devote all my possible energy and enthusiasm.

I have chosen to express my news, comments and ideas in these columns of our ISSMGE Bulletin because I feel that is the natural channel for communication between us. It will be my main channel of communication during my mandate.

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