Failure Mode for Creep Area of High Open-pit Slope Under the Influence of Underground Mining

Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA ISSN 0046-5828

Vol. 49 No.3 September 2018

Failure Mode for Creep Area of High Open-pit Slope Under the Influence of Underground Mining
By Wang Ning, Zhou Xiaolong, Zhu Dengyuan

ABSTRACT: With mining intensity increasing, more and more deep open-pit mines are gradually transformed to underground mining in China nowadays. Focusing on a high open-pit slope under the influence of underground mining, the spatial distribution and development trend of slope displacement monitoring data were analyzed, combined with calculation of slope stability under different engineering conditions. The results show that the slope deformation has a periodic change with the seasons, and the rainy season is the most intense period of deformation development, when the tensile cracks on the third-level platform of the slope become penetrating channel for rainwater. The slope stability coefficient of the creep area under the unsaturated condition is 1.010 and the most dangerous sliding surface is located in the upper part, while potential sliding zones might be linked together and local slip might develop into overall failure in the role of heavy rainfall, and reasonably slope cutting can largely improve the slope stability. By studying the deformation process of the creep area, the deformation development characteristics and possible failure modes are got, and it could provide guidance to the reinforcement measures of landslides and ground subsidence.

KEYWORDS: Open-pit slope, Creep area, Underground mining, Stability analysis, Failure mode