Dr. Za-Chieh Moh: 50th Anniversary of SEAGS

Za-Chieh MOH

Message from Dr. Za-Chieh Moh
Founder President of SEAGS

Half a century ago, the Southeast Asian Society of Soil Engineering was born in Bangkok, Thailand after a successful regional conference held there.  It was the first international/regional activity in the field of geotechnical engineering held in Bangkok under the support of the Asian Institute of Technology (then the SEATO Graduate School of Engineering).  Due to the enthusiasms shown at the conference, a protem committee was formed to establish a regional society in Southeast Asia for the purposes of providing a platform for academics and practicing engineers interested in the field of geotechnical engineering on a regional basis.  The Committee included Professor Chin Fung Kee of Malaysia, Dr. Tan Seng Beng of Singapore, Professor Sean Mackey of Hong Kong, Professor Chai Muktabhand, and Dr. Sirilak C. of Thailand and myself.

In the past 50 years, countries in the Southeast Asian region have been under rapid development.  Contributions made by geotechnical engineers cannot be over-emphasized.  With the help of SEAGS, many member countries in the SEAGS have now established their own independent geotechnical societies.  However, cooperation among these societies remain strong and effective.  An Association of Geotechnical Societies in Southeast Asia has been organized in 2007.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of SEAGS, I wish to take the opportunity to express my personal appreciations and admiration to those who have contributed to the success of the Society, including advisors Prof. T.W. Lambe, Prof. Victor F.B. de Mello, Prof. Ralph B. Peck, past presidents and officers of the Society and in particular, the long time Hon. Secretary-General and untiring Prof. A.S. Balasubramaniam.

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